Don't worry, be happy
This too shall pass
Life has its ups and downs
It will get better
Think positive
Don't make mountains out of mole hills
Dive right in
Just do it
Take bite size projects, and finish them
Make a decision, and stick with it
Excuses are like belly buttons, everyone has one
Keep plugging away
Get it done
Stuff happens
Don't sweat the small stuff
Criticism, like sewage, runs down hill
When in danger, when in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout
The 7 P's of planning - Preliminary prior planning prevents pitiful poor performance
Planning, like life, has its ups and downs
It will get better/It's got to get better/I hope it gets better
Don't make mountains out of mole hills
Publish or perish
What good does getting depressed do?
The longest journey starts with a single step
Keep plugging away
As you climb the stairway of life, remember and be thankful to the people who helped you.
Muddle through
Take bite size projects, and finish them
Make a decision, and stick with it
Avoid extra assignments
Excuses are like belly buttons, everyone has one
Stuff Happens
Don't sweat the small stuff
Let criticism roll off your back
Do what your boss tells you unless it is illegal or immoral
Criticism, like sewage, runs down hill
Keep off the sky line
Be firm, fair, friendly
Stop me, before I plan again